Our close personal relationships are a huge source for emotional triggers.
Oftentimes, there is that one person that always seems to rub us the wrong way, no matter what they say or do. Or maybe it’s someone we admire and have a great relationship with, but something they say or do leaves a stinger and we are not quite sure why.
I feel we have two basic choices here.
- React to the situation/person…they are to blame…something is wrong with them. (Note: choosing not to react but internalizing the situation is also a reaction.)
- Be curious about and own the emotional response. Explore where the emotions are coming from, and what is it about our life experiences that has triggered the reaction.
The first choice keeps us in a negative energy state, looking at outside forces to blame for the things that are happening in life.
The second choice puts us in an energy abundant state of personal power, knowing that we are in full control of how we choose to respond, heal and grow from an interaction.
Be Curious
Do you know what emotionally triggers you and why? It all begins with self-awareness and an open, curious mind.
Astrology, Intuitive Life Coaching and Energy Healing are tools that support the process.
Are you open to learning more and cultivating a deeper sense of self-awareness that leads to personal transformation?
Schedule your complimentary consultation today to learn more.