When we seek guidance and truth from external sources, we unknowingly give away our power and become disconnected from our personal Truth. When we connect with our Soul and listen to the Truth of our inner knowing (aka intuition), we develop a deeper level of Self Trust.

The more we practice connecting with our Soul, the more we connect with the answers already within us.

Allow yourself to ebb and flow from a place of stillness. Allow knowledge and wisdom to rise to the surface.

Newfound awareness and new levels of consciousness awaken from within. Awaken to your Truth and reclaim your personal Power. Therein lies your inner wisdom and ability to see things as they truly are.

It is from this place that you grow and evolve into a more awakened Soul, fully aware of what is going on within and around.

Now is the time to turn inward…

An invitation to connect with your Soul…

Surrender to your Truth, your inner knowing…

A remembering and a knowing…

Knowing what you need, and

Knowing who You are…


I invite you to be still and go within.

Feel into the question that is on your mind and write it at the top of a piece of paper.

Open and expand your heart as you listen with wonder and curiosity.

Allow your guiding message to flow to you from within your Soul.

Trust whatever arises and if you feel called, begin writing your guidance in your journal.


I have created a guided meditation to support you through this process. Please accept this as my gift to support you on your journey.

I invite you to continue this process as a daily practice.

Connecting regularly with your intuition cultivates deeper levels of trust in knowing that you have all the answers you need within you, to guide you along your path.

Sign up to receive my FREE guided meditation to help you go within and connect to your inner truth and find the answers you need within you.