Our past is here to teach us.
We learn and grow by understanding where we have been and how that experience has impacted our lives today. The key here is not to live in the past because to live there is to continually repeat the experience.
What we need to do, is be curious about it, seek to understand it, and then integrate our learning into the present moment. When we identify the pattern of behavior that we established from that experience, we begin to understand why it continues to impact us today.
Once we make that conscious connection in our mind, it supports us in making changes in our lives today so we can establish newer, healthier patterns that support our growth and evolution, moving forward.
This process is all about creating awareness, understanding and seeing things from a new
When we know better, we can do better.
As my gift to you, please listen to this intuitive download on Inner Wisdom, that I received
while doing this work.
And so it is, Blessed Be.